ISSN    : 2587-0998
E-ISSN : 2587-1404
Volume: 11  Issue: 1 - 2000
1. Fournier's Gangrene
Nejdet Bildik, Necmi Kurt, Hüseyin Ekinci, Özden Gül, Uğur Kuyumcuoğlu, Mustafa Gülmen
Pages 777 - 779
Fournier's Gangrene (FG) İs a relattvely rare, mixed aerobic and anaerobie infection of genital and perinea! tissues. in our elinic between 1994-2000 ycars, 10 cases with diagnosis of FG w er e evaluated retrospeetively. Ali wcre males with a mean age of 59.7 (34-83), The most common sites of origin of infection vvere perineo-serotal arca (7 patients, 70%) and the most common concomitunt disease was Diabetes Mellitus (7 palients, 70%). W hile debridement of necrotîc tissue, wide speetrum antibiotic therapy and nutritional support were pcrfonncd to ali patients, the rcconstructive surgical intervention in order to repair the wound defect in a second session for lwo patients and hypcrbaric oxygen therapy(HBO) for one patient vvere added to the tlıerapy. Ilıt mortality rale was 10% (1 patient). Dcspite of early diagnosis, appropiate wide speetrum antibiotics, surgical debridement manupulations, nutritional support and HBO, FG stili has hisli morbidity and mortality rates.

2. Evaluation Of 61 Cases Of Acute Bacterial Meningitis
Serdar Özer, Nuray Oltan, Öznur Ak, Neşe Yıldırım, Yelda Dereli, îsmiharı Kuzu
Pages 780 - 782
Acute bactcrial meningitis is an important cause of morbidiry and mortalily in spite of advnnced antimk-rohial treatment. in this study we aimcd to evatuate clinical features, laboratory fîndings, predisposing factors, treatment protocols and cffectiveness of treatment in cases of acute bactcrial meningitis treated in our department retrospectively İn a period of 6years. A total of 61 patîents with acute bactcrial meningitis hospitalized in Kartal Research and Traİnİng Hospİtal, Department of İnfcctious Diseases betwecn 1993 and 1998 were revie\ved. Of ali cases, the ages of vvhom vvere ranging from 14 to 86,34 (55,7%) were men and 27 (44,2%) were namen. There vvere fever, headachc, nousea-vomiting, meningismus in ali of cases, leukocytnsis in 55 (90,2%) cases, changes in consciousness in 20 (32,7%) cases. A predisposing factor was determined in also in 22 (36%) cases. En 16 (26,2%) cases pathogens wcre İsolatcd and Strcptococcus pneumoniae was the mnst cıımmnn. 56 (91,8%) of cases recovcrcd completely, 5 (8,2%) cases died. in acute bacterial meningitis similar clinical and laboratory fîndings arc scen not depending on pathogen. The most common pathogen in aduits is S. pneumoniae.

3. Comparison of the insertion of the Laryngeal Mask with sevoflurane and propofol Induction
Banu Çevik, Arzum Örskıran, Murat Konakçı, Melek Çelik, Zuhal Arıkan
Pages 783 - 786
Supcriority of Laryngeal Mask (LM) vvhich ıvas developed by Brain in 1981 över endotracheal intubation and facc mask provided LM a permanent place in anesthetic managements. The aim of this study Has to compare the haemodynamic parameters, insertion quality and complkatinn after the induetion of sevoflurane and propofol for insertion of LM. 40 patients were randomly dîvided into two groups and induetion with either sevoflurane or propofol, appropiate size of LM vvas inserted. The time between induetion and LM insertion was longer in sevoflurane group (241.31± 146.7, 122.94± 67.98) and the difference was statistically different (p<0.05). There was no difference between the two groups in insertion with the fîrst attempt (p>0.05). When the haemodynamic parameters were examincd, dcelines in propofol group wcre more than sevoflurane group and results were statistically different (p<0.001). Complications such as cough, aritmia and movement were seen more in propofol group (p<0.001). We concluded that sevoflurane can be a good alternative to propofol in LM insertion hecause of it's non-irritant odour, minimal haemodynamic effects and low complication rates

4. The Assessment Of İnfant's Nutritional Status
Ayhan Şeker, Hasan Yılmaz, Yasemin Akın, Gülnur Tokuç, Semiramis Sadıkoğlu, Ayça Vitrinel
Pages 787 - 789
The nutritional status of 326 infants aged behween 4-12 months who were hospitaliml in the pediatrics department of Kartal Training and Research Hospital due to various eauses were evaluated in this study. The children were divided into three groups; infants only breast fed for 4-6 months as Group 1 infants brest and artificially fedas Group2, and only artificially fed infants as Group 3. These three groups were compared according to weight and height percentiles. The infants were also arranged into two groups as early (before 4 months) and late beginners Tor supplemental nutrition. The infants İn these two groups were also evaluated for weight and height percentiles. Comparing thc weight and iıeight percentiles, we coııld not liııd any significant difference hetween Group l and 2. Although we found a significant difference related to weîght percentiles between Group 1 and 3; there was not a significant difference hehvecn tuo groups related to height percentiles. We also found a highly slatistcally significant difference between early and late beginners lor supplemental nutrition related to weight percentiles, but we could not find a significant difference for height between two groups. Although we tried to calculate the influence of the mother's educational status on infant's nutrition, due to the huge difference between primary and high school graduates we could not interprot it statistically.

5. Arterivel Blood Gases And Pef Values İn Acute Asthma Attack
Nesrin Kıral, Zeynep Öcal, Banu Salepçi, Gülsen Saraç, Benan ÇAĞLAYAN
Pages 790 - 791
The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in arterial blood gases in patients with ucut asthma attack and its torrelation with the degree of airway obstruction. 43 asthmatic patients admitted to the emergency service with acute bronehospasm were included İn the study. On admitted 32 of 43 patients (74.4%) had hypoxemİa, 29 (67.4%) had hypocaptıia and 9 (20.9%) had hypercapma. 10 patients had respiratory aeidosis and I patient (2.3%)had methabolic aeidosis. PEFvalues were ciassified as mild (> 200 ml/min),and moderate/severe obshuciion (<2U0 ml/min). 27 patients had severe obstruction while 16 had mild. İn Pearson's lineer correlatİon test. t here were tıo torrelation between Pa02 PaCO 2 and PEF values of the whole group {for PaO, r=0.I, for PaCO, t = -0,12). When severe and mild obstruction groups wcre examined separately, a weak correlation among Pa02 âcid PEF values in the group with moderate / severe obstrııetiun (r=Q.4, p>Ö,05) was deteleted but three were no correlation between PEF and PaCÛ2 (r= -0.24, p>0.05) İn the same group. İn conlusion hypoxetnia, hypocapnia and respiratory akalnsis arc the most frequent blood gas changes in acute asthma attack. Deteoriation in hypoxemia can be related to the degree of airway obstruction.

6. Serum Osteocalcine Levels Of Renal Osteodistrophic Children Treat Have Chronic Renal Failure
Asuman Kıral, Çiler Çelik, Serpil Yavrucu, Şemsa Gögcü, Ahmet Özgüner
Pages 792 - 794
Renal osteodistrophy is an early and a frequent complication of chronic renal failure. Serum osteoealeine level is an important parameter for the early diagnosis and the therapy of renal osteodistrophy. İn this study, we compared 15 end stage renal patients on hemodialysis who were diagnosed as renal osteodistrophy radioloyieally and treated by calcitriol for at least once year but were resistant to therapy with IQ healthy children in the same age group. Ostcocalein levels in the patient group were significantly higher than the control group. We decided that serum osteocalcin level is an important parameter İn the diagnosis and in the evaluation of the answer in treatment.

7. Axon Counting(=Mune) With Modified F Responses
Ülgen Kökeş, Mustafa Ertaş, Barış Baslo
Pages 795 - 800
Recently, it became evident that MUNE may represent a useful follow-up option for progressive motor neuron disease [=PMND). There are varıous technics defined for MUNE. Me Comas technic is the first clectrophysiologic tecimle which İs mostly uscd among other technics. But tim teehnic requıres a special soitsvare programme (=SSP) as other technics. F waves study for MUNE used only once in a recent study, İn this study, a SSP application is necessary for the selection of F waves. We thought that our technic can be applied on all EMG tools easily, without the need of a SSP. This study is applied to normal individuals and patients who have PMND. Also MUNE values are compared with the values of modified Mc Comas technic. Finally, we thaught that MUNE with 1 responses may be used for the new alternative technic. Althought, This technic is necessary to the estimation of lots of works.

8. Comparison Of Haemodynamic Effects Of Propofol-Ketamine And Propofol- Fentanyl Anesthesia
Naim Çelik, Elif Bombacı, Serhan Çolakoğlu, Osman Ekinci, Gülsen Bosna Kaya, Neşe Aydın
Pages 801 - 804
We aimed to compare the haemodynamic effects of propofol-ketamine and propofol-fentanyl anesthesia. ASA I-H, 22 patients scheduled to undergo laparotomy were included in the study and they were randomly divided into two groups. Patients in Group K received 1 mg/kg ketamine and 30 seconds later 2 mg/kg propofol for induction,1 mg/kg/h ketamine infusion and 6mg/kg/h propofol infusion for maintenance of anesthesia, Patients in Group F received 2 ug/kg fentanyl and same dose of propofol for induction, 2 mg/kg/h fentanyl infusion and the same dose of propofol infusion for the maintenance. Vecuronium bromide 0.1 mg/kg was used for muscle relation in both groups. Heart rate and blood pressure values were measured and recovery characteristics were evaluated after the operation. Data were analysed by Student's-t, paricd-t and Fischcrexaet test. Heurt rate and blood prcssure values signifıcantly decreascd in Group F. Paticnts in Group F had pain on injeetion of propofol (%27). Spontaneous breathing, eve opening, orientation and cooperation times were significantly shorter in Group F.We concluded that; haemodynamic stability was better in propofol-ketamine anasthesia. but propufnl-fentanyl group of patients showed better recovery characteristics than propofol-ketamine group.

9. The Retrospective Evaluation Of Patients Diagnosed As Henoch Schonle In; Purpura
Gülay Çiler Erdağ, Selda Boylu, Ayça Vitrinel, Gülnur Tokuç, Zelal Bircan, Yasemin Akın
Pages 805 - 807
37 patients diagnosed as HSP tor the first time between 1996 and 2000 in the Pcdiatrics Clinic of Kartal Training and Research Hospital were evaluated retrospeetively. 17 (46%) of these 37 patients were female: whereas 20 (54%) of them were male. Average age of thc patients were 9.49. Patients were evaluated according to their admission complaints, physical examination, systemie involvement, laboratory valtıcs, re nal involvement and complaints whiclı occured during follow-up. We concluded that, although HSP has a good prognosis: the course of the disease sometimes can be a typical with life threatening complications.In acute phase of the disease patients should be closely observed for complications; whereas long-term follow' Up is necessary for renal involvement and recurrence.

10. The Effectiveness Of The Serum Ca-125 For The Management Of Patients With Endometrial Carcinoma
İlknur Aköz, Seval Adanalı, Melahat Atasever
Pages 808 - 809
In this study, we obtained that the effectiveness of the serum CA-125 for the management of patients with endometrial carcinoma, We found that high level serum CA 125 which was found preoperatively was not an indicator to the involvement of the extrauterine structures with the tumor. However, preoperative normal level of CA-125 was a strong sign of the disease limited to uterus, but it was not shown possibility of the recurrence. Elevated levels of CA-125 accompanied most clinical recurrences with the excception of isolaced vaginal vault recurrences. There was a correlation between advanced stage of the disease and the level of CA-125.

11. Follow Up Of Patients With Crush Injuries Due To Earthquake İn Orthopaedics And Traumatology Clinics
Cuma Kılıçkap, Hakan Öngü, Volkan Gürkan, Erkal Bilgiç, G. Tuğrul Berkel
Pages 810 - 813
Results of the clinical following of 120 patients, who had crush injuries İncured during earthquakes that took place on 17th August 1999 (98 patients) and 12th November 1999 (22 patients), had been evaluated. Patients with crush injuries wcre dividcd into two groups: those who had fasciotomy and those without a fasciotomy. in these patients one must follow (1) general health status and vital functions, (2) renal function and fluid-electrolyte balance, (3) fasciotomy site, (4) vascular and neurologic status of the extremity. it is possible to avoid crush syndrome, if we can help the patients in the excretion of mynglobin that is released from the muscles of the injured extremity. This necessitates early and adequate fluid replacement, with a special emphasis on strict follow up of the fluid regimen. İn the treatment of patients who had developed crush syndrome, ncphrologists must be ineluded in the follow up team. Wound çare of patients who had fasciotomi, follow up of renal function and fluid-electrolyte balance and an uninterrupted regimen for patients who need dialysis are the eritical issues in the primary çare uf these patients. On the other hand, hyperbaric oxygen treatment, psychiatrie diseases, restoratiou of social relations and supplying the necessary materials for the treatment of patients )In extretne conditions such as earthquakes are the other difficult problems waiting for a solution. it is not clear whether predetermined treatment protocols can be applied in disaesters successfully. At least they can serve as a guide. We found it useful to share our experience with the others.

12. Dıscussıon Of Insulın Dependent Diabetes Mellıtus And Ketoasıdosıs Under The Consıderatıon Of Our Practıce
Engin Tutar, Figen Temel, Gülnur Tokuç, Esin Şan, Ayça Vitrinel
Pages 814 - 816
Insulin Dependent Diabetcs Mellilus is an autoimmune disease caused by destruetion of panereatie B eclis seen in patients who have genetie predisposition. At the time of diagnosis the inciden ce of ketoacidosis is 20-40 %, the mortality rate reaches 15%. In our study, we investigated 13 palienls who came to our clink with ketoaddosis during last year according to their age, sex, blood glucose at the time of arrh'cl, acidosis, ketosis, dchydratation,
the time of beginning lo regular and mixed insulin and concommitant infections. In Ihis sınd)', dur aim is to draw attenlion to IDDM and DKA that have falal risk.

13. The Comparison Of The Effect Of Doxazosın, Amlodipin And Ramipril On Blood Lıpıd Profile And Blood Glucose Level Durıng Antı Hypertansıve Therapy
Yener Koç, K. Mahmut GÜMÜŞ, Mehmet Sargın, Birsel Kavaklı, Ali Yayla
Pages 817 - 819
İn tlüs study, the efficacy of Doxazosin, an alfa-1 blocker, Ramipril, an angiotensin converting enzyme İnhİüitor and Amlodipine, a caleium-ehannel blocker on hypertension, plasma glucose levels and lipid profîles among hypertensive patients were investigated, The study was performed on paticnts who wcre admittcd to cliııic and outpatient elinic of üıternal medicine betwecn January - June 1996. Duration of treatment was 12 wceks for each paticnt.Bcfore and at the end of 12 weeks treatment, telecardiography and elcetrocardiography ıvcrc performed and also fasting plasma glucose, ALT, AST, total eholesterol. triglyccridc, HDL eholesterol, BUN and ercatinine were measured. Ali results were given as mean±SD and paired Wilcoxon test uscd for statistical analysis. Botlı Amplodipin and Ramipril had no bcnetlcial effects on lipid profile and blood glucose levels. Doxazosin uas effective on reducing lipid profîles signifkantly, but not on fasting plasma glucose levels. As a conclusion, vve fıuınd that ali these three antihypertensive drugs were effective at reducing blood pressure.

14. Comparıson of effıcacy between myrıngotomy wıth aspıratıon and ınsertıng Ventılatıon tu be ın tı-ıe surgery of otıtıs medıa wıth effusıon
Aytekirı Parmak, Temel Çoşkuner, Mehmet Eken, Şeref Ünver
Pages 820 - 822
Otitis media vvith effusion is u dîsease ılım cun causc İmpurtant complications and ıcquates, cdııealional. behavioural and speech problems İn tlıe childlıaod it not treated. İn nur study, ive eııınpared t»o sıııgical approaches; tlıe nıyringotonıy with aspiration and inscrtiııg ventilation tıılıe tn the eleven male and eleveıı female paticuts «linin had bilateral diseases and audiometric criterias I İnil \vere descıihed. Allhou«h in audionırtric efficacy, inserting ventilation lube seeıned moru bencfieial Ihan tlıe other method but there >vas nol a sfgBİfİCİunt d ifterence bctween both procedures statistieally. İn one year lollo\v up period. vvhen tlıe complieation t ales nere comparcd with the nıyringotonıy vtith aspiration method ıvas safer than the other one and in the cuses that ıvere resistant to the medical thcnıpy this method might be the tlrst choice. İn tlıis study, we used Studeııt-t test, \Vilcoxon Signed Ramks test and Mamı YVhitney-LI test in statİstical analyses.

15. Mechanıcal İntestinal Obstructıons
Hüseyin Ekinci, Necmi Kurt, Nejdet Bildik, Ayhan Çevik, Mehmet Altıntaş, Gülay Dalkılıç, Mustafa Gülmen
Pages 823 - 827
Mechanıcal İntestinal Obstructions (MİO) vvhieh thcir time and type of surgkal decision is important about ııını-tsılîly and nıurbiditv is one of the most interesting illness of the surgery emergeney departments. Betvveen September 1990-November 1999 in the llııd Surgery Clinic of Kartal Research and Training Hospita!, 22ü patients had been hospitalizcd with thediagnosis of MİO and 128 of them who had been operated vvere evaluated retrospectively about history, physical e\aminatiuns, laboratuary, radiologic findings and operations lechnics. The result of this study demonsrated that,adhesions were found to be the majör cause vvhieh vvere folloıved by volvulus, tumours, herniation, abcess, diverticuls, ınvagination, evantration, mesenteric İschacmia and peritonitis karsinomatosis.Seventyeighl of the patients were male (%60,93) and 50 were female(%39,07), Thirteen of the patients, who had a systemic disease, and a bad health status vvere old and they had not applied to hospital in time and vvere dîed on the first and second days postoperatively. According to our clinical research a betler understandingof the etiology and an appropriate treatment without detaying tvill improve the treatment of MlO.

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