ISSN    : 2587-0998
E-ISSN : 2587-1404
Volume: 14  Issue: 1 - 2003
1. The Effects Of Intrathecal Bupivacaine And Fentanyl On Maternal And Neonatal In Elective Cesarean Section Operations
Tamer Kuzucuoğlu, Özlem Sezen, Gülten Arslan, İbrahim Büyükkömürcü, Ayşenur Boztepe, Zuhal Arıkan
Pages 1 - 4

2. The Effect Of Planned Extracapsular Cataract Extraction Followed By Intraocular Lens Implantation (Pecce-Iol) Procedure On The Corneal Thickness
Ali İhsan İncesu
Pages 5 - 7

3. The Effect Of Metronidazole And Intraperitoneal Lavage On The Complications In Secondary Peritonitis Cases
Cengiz Volkan Menteş, Ayhan Erdemir, Tarık Gandi Çinçin, Gülay Dalkılıç, Erhan Tuncay, Selahattin Vural
Pages 8 - 10

4. The Sociodemographic Features Of The Patients That Admitted To The Pediatric Clinics Of Our Hospital
Özlem Bostan, Sedat Öktem, Gülnur Tokuç, Fatma Narter, Engin Tutar, Nadir Girit, Kamil Esmer
Pages 11 - 14

5. Total Antioksidan Status And The Level Of Superoksid Dismutase In The Patients With Deabetes Mellitus
Işık Türkalp, Süreyya Şahinoğlu, Didem Özkazanç
Pages 15 - 19

6. Efficacy Of High Doses Methotraxate In Malign Mesothelioma
Özlem Nuray Sever, Mahmut Gümüş, Haluk Sargın, Yener Koç, Taflan Salepçi, Ali Yayla
Pages 20 - 22

7. Serum Lipid Profiles In Adult Patients With Psoriasis Vulgaris
Özer Arıcan
Pages 23 - 26

8. Ck-Mb Isoenzyme Determinaton With Immunoinhibition-Activity And Mass Assays In Healthy Controls And Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction
İnci Küçükercan, Özlem Çakır, Gülşen Tokdemir, Gülcan Baloğlu, Asuman Orçun
Pages 27 - 29

9. Evaluation Of Demographic Features Of Appendectomies
Selahattin Vural, Erhan Tuncay, Feyyaz Onuray, Tarık Gandi Çinçin
Pages 30 - 31

10. A Comparative Study Of The Conservative And Surgical Methods In The Treatment Of Pediatric Forearm Fractures
Güven Bulut, Metin Külünk, Önder Ofluoğlu, Fatih İnci, Muzaffer Yıldız
Pages 32 - 36

11. Psychosocial Problems Of Children With Cancer And Their Families
Nadir Girit, Gülnur Tokuç, Sedat Öktem, Ayşe Gülay Erman, Cem Deniz
Pages 37 - 40

12. Restrictive Tropias Following Retinal Detachment Surgery: Case Report
Titap Yazıcıoğlu, Yusuf Özertürk, Nevzat Gültekin,, Serhun Tacer
Pages 41 - 43

13. Surgical Approach To The Hand Injuries With Multiple Digital Amputations: Case Report
Fatih Parmaksızoğlu, Tahsin Beyzadeoğlu
Pages 44 - 46

14. Giant Prostatic Adenoma: A Case Report
Yusuf Özlem İlbey, Mustafa Bülbül, Selami Albayrak
Pages 47 - 48

15. Epidural Anesthesia In A Case Of Lumbar Discectomy: Case Report
Buket Kocaman, Abdülkadir Oruç, Ayşenur Boztepe, İbrahim Büyükkömürcü, Hüseyin Özkan, Zuhal Arıkan
Pages 49 - 51

16. Spindle Cell Carcinoma Of The Supraglottic Larynx
Arif Şanlı, Sedat Aydın, Cenk Evren, Nagehan Özdemir Barışık
Pages 52 - 53

17. Penetrating Abdominal Injury With A Foreign Body: Case Report
Selahattin Vural, Feyyaz Onuray, Gülay Dalkılıç, Erhan Tuncay, Turgay Erginel, Tarık Gandi Çinçin, Ergin Olcay
Pages 54 - 55

18. Yoğun Bakım Ünitesinde Sedasyon
Hakan Erkal, Yaman Özyurt, Zuhal Arıkan
Pages 56 - 59
Abstract |Full Text PDF

19. Gözlük Muayenesinde Önemli Noktalar
Kadri Mustafa Orağlı
Pages 60 - 64
Abstract |Full Text PDF

20. Management of Graves ophtalmopathy, principles of treatment and follow-up
Haluk Sargın
Pages 65 - 69
Abstract |Full Text PDF

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