AMAÇ: Spigel hernisi tanısı konulan hastalar geriye dönük olarak literatür eşliğinde incelendi.
YÖNTEMLER: Bu çalışmaya Spigel hernisi tanısı ile ameliyat edilen 17 hasta (12 kadın, 5 erkek; ort. yaş 52; dağılım 32-74 yaş) dahil edildi. Hastalar yaş, cinsiyet, şikayetler, lokalizasyon, defekt çapı, hastanede yatış süresi ve onarım teknikleri açısından incelendi.
BULGULAR: Ortalama defekt çapı 3.7 (2-6) cm idi. Tüm hastalarda ağrı şikayeti vardı. Hastaların 11’ine polipropilen yama ile, 6’sına standart cerrahi ile onarım yapıldı. Polipropilen yama ile onarım uygulanan hastalarda 4-48 aylık takiplerde nüks saptanmadı.
SONUÇ: Spigel hernilerinde polipropilen yama ile cerrahi onarım düşük nüks oranlarıyla uygulanabilir.
OBJECTIVE: Patients diagnosed with Spigelian hernia are evaluated retrospectively by review of the literature.
METHODS: The study included 17 patients (12 female, 5 male; mean age 52; range 32 to 74 years) who were diagnosed with a Spigelian hernia which was treated surgically. Patients were evaluated in terms of age, sex, clinical presentation, localization, size of the defect, duration of hospitalization, and surgical techniques.
RESULTS: Average size of the defect was 3.7 (2-6) cm. All of the patients reported pain. Eleven patients were treated with mesh herniorraphy techniques. Six patients were treated by the standard surgical technique. During the follow-up of 4-48 months, no recurrence was observed among the mesh herniorraphy group.
CONCLUSION: Mesh herniorraphy techniques using polypropylene meshes can be preformed with low recurrence rates.