1. | PROGNOSTIC FACTORS IN PATIENTS WITH THORAX TRAUMA REQUIRING INTENSIVE CARE Ayhan Çevik, Tayfun Yücel, Yıldırım Gülhan, Gazanfer Azakli, Mustafa Gülmen Pages 571 - 576 In the 2. general surgery department an the intensive care unit (ICU) between January 1994 March 1995, 35 patients were interned because of the thoracic injuries at the Kartal Training and Research hospital. Mean age was 39 (8-75). 23 cases (61.8%) were male and 12 cases were female. Ratio of the traffic accidents, falling down, penetrating wounds were 22 (66..9%), 10 (27.5%), 3 (8.5%) respectively. in the 8 cases (22.8%) there were isolated thoracic injuries, in the 27 cases (77.2%) there were multiple organ injuries. in all patients PEEP (5-10 cmH2O) was applied during four days period. In all patients early enteral nutrition was given average 2000-2500 kcal during ten days. Imipenem or sefotaxim were given empirically, thrombosis prophylaxis with low molecular weight heparin and H2 receptor antagonists for stress ulcer were started. In ten patients (28.4%) TNF and IL 6 values were examined in the first, third, seventh and tenth days after the injury. Mortality was 28.4 % 10 patients). The six patients were died because of the MOFS and the four patients were died because of the sepsis. The aim of this study is to emphasize the importance of the mechanical ventilation and early enteral feeding in patients who have thoracic injuries and during follow up the place of the blood culture and blood cytokine values are discussed ac cording to literatures. As a results in the emergency clinics, thoracic injuries were serious cases with high mortality and morbidity and early-continuous ventilation was an important prognostic factor. The importance of appropriate operations and early enteral nutrition together with ICU supports were shown. We concluded that following the routine laboratory findings together with blood cytokine levels as an inflammatory and immunologic parameter was a prognostic factors. |
2. | THE RETROSPECTIVE EVALUATION OF THE ENTOXICATION CASES ADMITTED TO THE PEDIATRIC EMERGENCY ROOM Gülnur Tokuç, Yasemin Akın Ekmekçioğlu, Nilgün Ünal Gökyayla, Belgin Özhan Pages 577 - 578 In this retrospective study, it was seen that drug intoxication cases were 30.7%, food poisoning cases were 18.7% and carbonmonoxide intoxication cases were 16.6% among acute intoxication cases in the last four years admitted to the pediatric emergency room in our hospital. Salisilat intoxications were 5.2% among drug intoxication cases. All of the patients were healed except one who was a mushroom intoxication case and died. |
3. | SERUM URIC ACID LEVEL IN TREATMENT OF PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS Ahmet İlgazli, Benan Çağlayan, Neslihan Özaydın, Hakan Cinemre, Sevim Ak Pages 579 - 581 In this study, we investigated the effects of three specific antituberculosis drugs including Morphazinamide on serum uric acid level of 40 female patients with pulmonary tuberculosis who had not received any antituberculosis therapy previously. Their mean age was 22.8±7.5. The serum uric acid levels were examined in the first and second months of therapy. Increased levels were found in three cases in the first month and in one case in the second month. There was no significant difference between the levels before treatment, and in the first and second months of the treatment. Side effects were not noticed during two months (p=0.735). In conclusion, we decided that morphazinamide is a reliable drug in the treatment of tuberculosis. |
4. | OUR RESULTS OF THE SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF FEMORAL SHAFT FRACTURES, IN THE CHILDHOOD Bülent Kavaklı, Taşkın Tecimer, Serdar Özyalçın, İsmail Yedek Pages 582 - 584 In Kartal Research and Training Hospital Orthopaedics and Traumatology Clinic 1, between June 1991- July 1995, 52 fractures of the shaft of the femur had been treated by surgical treatment. The mean age of the patients was 11.2 years. These patients were evaluated retrospectively after a mean follow-up of 2.2 years. 34 patients had been treated with a plate and screw, 12 patients had been treated with Kirschner wires, 2 patients treated with intra medullary nail. There were superficial infections in 2 patients. There is no advantage of surgical treatment of the femoral fractures in children over the conservative treatment. |