1. | The Effects of Steroids and Oral Bronchodilator Drugs in Patients with Chronic Bronchial Obstruction Yaşar Yılmazkaya, Nejdet Balcı, Zeynep Öcal, Fevzi Güneş, Mümeccel Akman, Asiye İnan, Münip Külekcioğlu, Sibel Erim Pages 5 - 7 |
2. | Hypercoagulobility in Diabetes Mellitus Durmuş Şendağ, Ali Yayla, Vesile Bolaç, Hikmet Şendağ, Mualla Ayyıldız, Aykut Uluhan Pages 8 - 11 |
3. | A New Invitro Test in The Atopia Leyla Tural, Oğuz Söylemezoğlu, Celal Türkkan, Mualla Ayyıldız Pages 12 - 14 |
4. | Endoscopic Ultrasonography in the Achalosia Karl Ziegler, Mendel Gregor, Mevsim Diriker, Markus Frederich Pages 15 - 18 |
5. | The Methods of Bone Banking and the Laws of Tissue Transplantation in Turkey Muzaffer Aykurt Pages 19 - 30 |
6. | The Depression Symptoms in Internal Diseases Salih Yaşar Özden Pages 31 - 35 |
7. | Our physical therapy and rehabilitation programme on partial injuries of ankle joint Bilge Aykurt, Muzaffer Aykurt Pages 36 - 39 |
8. | The First 48 Hours in Large Burns Erol Kışlaoğlu Pages 40 - 45 |
9. | A Case of Foetus Papyracea Eşref Yazıcıoğlu, Elvan Karslı, Ali Yalçın Pages 46 - 48 |
10. | Boerhaave's Syndrome Yaşar Yılmazkaya, Fevzi Güneş, Esra Öztürk, Zeki Çavuşoğlu, Yusuf Sönmez, Ali Alemdar, Şahin Barut Pages 49 - 51 |
11. | An Interesting Case of Diaphragma Rupture Nur Akgün Şenel, Zeki Çavuşoğlu, Ersin Ünlüer, Neşe Aydın Pages 52 - 56 |
12. | Current Diagnosis and Treatment of Vıral Hepatitis Rüknettin Öğütman Pages 57 - 59 Abstract | |
13. | Colonoscopy Lütfi Değirmencioğlu Pages 60 - 62 Abstract | |