We studied the clinical and pathological data, staging, treatment and survival of patients with high-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. We studied 26 high-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma patients who were followed by oncology outpatient clinic of the internal medicine clinic between the years 1997-2002. Median follow-up was 22 months. Median age was 60.5 (15-79) years. Ten (38.5%) patients were stage I, 10 (38.5%) were stage II, 3 (11.5%) were stage III, 3 (11.5%) were stage IV. Six cycles of CHOP (cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, vincristine, prednisolone) regimen was applied to the patients. In addition to CHOP chemotherapy, radiotherapy was applied for 14 (53.8%) cases. After the treatment, objective response was observed in 19 (73.1%) cases. For 7 patients who did not respond or who showed progression, second line chemotherapy was applied. In the follow up, 8 (38.8%) cases were died. Eighteen (69.2%) patients are still followed up. The median disease-free survival is 43 months. Three years disease free survival rate is 63.1%. Median overall survival is 52 months. Three-year overall survival rate is 66.4%. When the cases were classified according to IPI (International Prognostic Index), there was a significant relationship between disease-free survival and overall survival rates (p=0.002, p=0.003, long-rank test). The data obtained from patients that were diagnosed and followed up, as high-grade lymphoma in our hospital is similar to the data in the existing literature.
Keywords: NON-HODGKIN'S LYMPHOMA, CHEMOTHERAPY, SURVIVALÇalışmamızda hastanemizde izlenen "high grade" Hodgkin dışı lenfoma (HDL) hastalarının klinik ve patolojik özelliklerini, tedavi sonuçlarını ve sağkalım sürelerini değerlendirdik. 1997-2000 yıllan arasında onkoloji polikliniğimizde izlenen 26 (kadın/erkek: 16/10) HDL hastasını retrospektif olarak değerlendirdik. Median izlem süresi 22 ay idi. Median yaş, 60.5 (15-79) yıldı. Hastalarımızın 10'u (%38.5) evre I, 10'u (%38.5) evre II, 3'ü (%11.5) evre III, 3'ü (%11.5) ise evre IV idi. Hastalara 6 kür CHOP (siklofosfamid, adriyamisin, vinkristin, prednizolon) kemoterapisi uygulandı. 14 (%53.8) hastaya ek olarak radyoterapi (RT) verildi. Tedavi sonrası objektif yanıt oranı 73.1 (19 olgu) idi. Yanıtsız veya daha sonrasında progresyon gösteren 7 hastaya 2. seri kemoterapi (KT) uygulandı. İzlem süresince 8 (%38.8) hasta öldü. 18 (%69.2) hasta izlenmeye devam edilmektedir. Survi analizinde median hastalıksız yaşam süresi 43 ay, 3 yıllık hastalıksız yaşam % 60.1, median genel sağ kalım süresi 52 ay, 3 yıllık genel sağkalım ise %66.4 olarak bulundu. Hastalar "International Prognostic Index" (IPI)'e göre sınıflandırıldığında, IPI ile hastalıksız sağkalım ve genel sağkalım arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişki saptandı (p=0.002, p=0.003, log-rank test). HDL tanısıyla takip edilen hastaların 3 yıllık verileri değerlendirildiğinde literatürle uyumlu bulundu.