1. | Approach to parotid gland tumors Sedat Aydın, Alev Zeynep Oktay, Mustafa Paksoy, Mehmet Eken, Arif Şanlı, Sermin Kibar Pages 57 - 61 |
2. | Ahmed Glaucoma Valve implantation in refractory glaucoma Berker Bakbak, Güldal Ersoy, Feyza Önder Pages 62 - 66 |
3. | Efficiency of transforaminal epidural steroid treatment in chronic low back pain Hüsnü Süslü, Elif Atar, Gülten Arslan, İzzet Alatlı, Murat Altun, Serhan Çolakoğlu Abraz Pages 67 - 72 |
4. | Effects of glycemic control on diabetic cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy Selçuk Turan, İsmet Tamer Pages 73 - 79 |
5. | Our endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy results Sedat Aydın, Mustafa Paksoy, Gökhan Altın, Mehmet Eken, Arif Şanlı Pages 80 - 84 |
6. | An interesting stone formation due to a forgotten double j stent: A case report and review of the literature Levent Özcan, Yusuf Özlem İlbey, Emin Özbek, Şinasi Yavuz Önal, Abdulmuttalip Şimşek, Osman Köse Pages 85 - 89 |
7. | Bilateral congenital absence of abductor pollicis brevis muscle: Case report Recep Alp, Güven Bulut, Selen İlhan Alp, Ülkü Türk Börü Pages 90 - 92 |
8. | Hemangiopercytoma of the nasolacrimal duct: A case report Başak Bala Öven Ustaalioğlu, Mesut Şeker, Ahmet Bilici, Burçak Erkol, Umut Kefeli, Emre Yıldırım, Berkant Sönmez, Mahmut Gümüş, Taflan Salepçi Pages 93 - 96 |
9. | Spinal anesthesia in a patient with progressive systemic sclerosis: Case report Feriha Temizel, Tamer Kuzucuoğlu, Hakan Erkal, Müjge Yücekaya Pages 97 - 100 |
10. | Renal angiomyolipoma causing massive retroperitoneal hemorrhage: A case report Levent Özcan, Abdulmuttalip Şimşek, Emre Can Polat, Cevper Ersöz, Yusuf Özlem İlbey, Emin Özbek Pages 101 - 105 |
11. | Endobronchial and transesophageal ultrasonography in the evaluation of pulmonary lesions Gül Dabak, Atilla Saygı Pages 106 - 112 Abstract | |